On the beautiful, sunny Friday, May 27, that ushered in the long Memorial Day weekend, the Nobles beach was festooned with an array of colorful tie-dyed T-shirts to celebrate the annual Art Street festival. The event was sponsored by the literary magazine Calliopé, Environmental Action Club, Community Service Board, Global Partners in Service Club, French Club and science teacher Chris Pasterczyk’s Tsunami Relief Effort “Swim for the Hills.” It also featured vibrant chalk decorations on the sidewalks, a slushie and popcorn machine, a bake sale, games and more. Art Street, which was held first in 2003 and is the brainchild of college counselor, English teacher and Calliopé advisor Kate Coon, raised nearly $5,000 this year. After expenses, $3,500 will be donated to a range of groups including the Haitian Organization Program for Education and Health, Japan Tsunami Relief, Grassroots Soccer and Home for Little Wanderers. “It’s very much a community effort,” said Coon.