Opening the first meeting of the 2011-2012 academic year on August 30, Head of School Robert P. Henderson Jr. ’76, reminded the faculty and staff, “In everything we do here, as teachers, coaches, advisors, and staff members, our fundamental goal is to inspire leadership for the public good; and, through mentoring relationships, to motivate students to achieve their highest potential and to lead lives characterized by service to others.”
Following tradition, Henderson announced the recipient of the 2011 Cora Hidalgo Holland Award, named in memory of a Nobles parent lost on Flight 11 on September 11. The award recognizes staff contributions to the shared enterprise of keeping Nobles thriving. This year’s recipient, Terri Agostini will also be honored in front of students and faculty on September 9 during a Friday morning Assembly.
Those gathered in Vinik Theatre included new members of the community—among them teachers, teaching fellows, and members of the development and communications staff. (Click here for new faculty and staff bios.)
Before moving into the many details involved in getting the school year off the ground, Henderson again spoke of the high purpose of this work.
“Yes, we teach math and history, English and science, the arts and classical and modern language; but the objective is to inspire young people to make a difference for the better. We love our subjects and our kids, but in the end, we can never forget that we are really teaching kids what it means to be thoughtful, productive, ethical, articulate, empathic, rational, balanced, and dedicated citizens. And that it is our most important contribution.”