Japanese.2020: Introduction to Japanese Language

This course is for students who have no prior experience in studying Japanese. After learning Hiragana characters intensively in the first week, students will learn how to introduce themselves, talk […]

Argument.2020: Argument Mapping for X-Ray Vision

If you have ever disagreed with someone and, when they tried to explain their views, thought, "That doesn't make any sense!", you'll love this seminar. If you've ever struggled to […]

IntroGeometry.2020: Introduction to Geometry

Prerequisite: Prealgebra or Algebra IDescription: This course will explore some of the essential theorems and deductive logic of Euclidean geometry. We will begin with points, lines, and planes and move […]

FrenchGrammar.2020: Progressive French Grammar

The aim of the course is to help students review/improve/master their knowledge of French grammar. From articles, pronouns and conjunctions to the subjunctive, conditional phrases and the indirect discourse, this […]

AmericanGreats.2020: American Greats

A reading of three of the most celebrated authors of the 20th Century: Fitzgerald (Tender is the Night), Hemingway (Farewell to Arms) and Faulkner (Light in August)

Memoir.2020: Memoir

Defined as a literary account of a life or event written from personal experience, memoirs are one of the most consistently compelling (and best-selling) genres on the market. They represent […]

Quadratics.2020: Quadratics

This course will provide an in-depth look at one of the most essential functions - quadratics. We will look at how to FOIL, how to factor, and how quadratics can […]