Calendar of Events

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29 events,

Power.2020: Power

AlgWordProblems.2020: Applied Algebra Word Problems and Projects

QueerLit.2020: Queer Literature

IronCurtain.2020: Life Behind the Iron Curtain

PlayWriting.2020: Welcome to Playwriting

MemoirUS.2020: Memoir

Memoir.2020: Memoir

PoetryandProtes.2020: Poetry and Protest

PoliticsAndEthi.2020: Politics and Ethics in a Red State/Blue State America

ScratchToPython.2020: Scratch to Python: Start Programming!

IntroCalculus.2020: Introduction to Calculus

SciFiRace.2020: Race, Gender, and Ability in Science Fiction and Fantasy

PortfolioPrep.2020: Drawing and Painting Portfolio Preparation Intensive / Scholastic Art Submission

Quadratics.2020: Quadratics

IntroGeometry.2020: Introduction to Geometry

PhotoPortfolio.2020: Photography Portfolio Development and Scholastic Art Submission

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