Class I students Julia Lyne and Lev Sandler recently shared the concept for their senior project in assembly: creating a garden “to honor the life and memory of our classmate Jane Song and the impact she had and still has on our Nobles community.”
This past Saturday, May 4, volunteers transformed the forgotten courtyard behind the Shattuck Schoolhouse: they cleared out yard waste, planted flowers and succulents, and installed garden furniture and vibrant Adirondack chairs. Now, in time for spring, the community has a serene place to gather under the Japanese maples, enjoy each other, and remember Jane.
Julia and Lev said, “The Garden Project came to life our sophomore year. Following the death of our friend, Jane Song, we really realized how much we needed a space to get away and relax. Nobles has an amazing campus with beautiful outdoor spaces, so we decided that for our senior project we would reenergize one of these spaces.
Alongside a group of seniors, we have organized the back patio space behind Gleason and are giving it a new life. Construction and planting are not done yet, but we are hoping to continue to plant new flowers, add more furniture, and clean it up even more. The Volunteer Day this past Saturday was amazing—over forty people came out throughout the day—and we are so thankful that everyone has been so supportive.
We encourage everyone to check it out while on campus and let us know if you want to help! The last few things will hopefully be done by May 28, which will be the dedication of this space.”